Here’s how I can help you live the life you want:
- Show you how to decrease or stop the harmful behavior immediately. As you already know, this will have to be the first step to getting your life back.
- Identify and reduce stress. Addiction is stressful, change is stressful, life is stressful. Learning to live with this idea, and learning how to manage the stress is paramount to your success.
- Explore expectations regarding what the change will entail.
- Offer a menu of options for change.
- Help identify pros and cons of various change options.
- Support a realistic view of change through small steps.
- Help you to identify high-risk situations and develop coping strategies.
- Assist you in finding new reinforcers of positive change.
- Teach you to identify and try alternative positive behaviors (substance and harmful behavior-free sources of pleasure).
- Maintain supportive contact.
- Work to set new short and long term goals.
Stop making excuses and finding reasons to delay making the changes you know are essential for you to get your life back. Call me for a phone consultation: 949-338-9525
Learn More:
Freedom From the Addiction Trap